Konanur Kaps is a Type One PostScript font. It is compatible with Adobe Type Manager version 1.2 or higher. It consists of all 26 capital letters drawn in an Art Nouveau style such that each cap is drawn in black and surrounded with some simple, round pen strokes. Characters 1,2,3 and 4 are filled with "AK" monograms, after the student of mine for which the font is named.
You know how to install this font -- you downloaded the file, didn't you?
Konanur Kaps is shareware. If you like and/or use the font, please donate $4.99 or more to Columbia University, and send your check to the following address: Cynthia Lemiesz, 703 Dodge Hall, Columbia University, New York, NY 10027. In the check memo, simply write "Konanur Kaps" or "Oh wow."